
Samus Rig

140 ratings
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Samus Rig

140 ratings

The Samus Rig is a collaboration between Julien Desroy (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JllyVa) and me.
This work will be up for free and any donation made to this rig will go to https://www.extra-life.org

special thanks to Jean-Dennis Haas for creating a great rig review!

updates on plugins can be found here:


 -- history --

# Version 1.6

- fixed bug: ik to fk blend on right foot flipped the toe

# Version 1.5
- remove skinning spikes on eyelid

# Version 1.4:
 - PLUGIN UPDATE: improved speed of railspline plugin
 - added extra controls to feet for toe movement
 - added local/global rotation to shoulderpads

# Version 1.3:
- fixed small skinning issues then limbs are stretched
- added local rotate controller on the hand to split transformation and rotation;
        * the localRot attribute in the ikhandle control shows the new control and this control will move along with the arm
- added a barrel rotation attribute to the gun arm slide control
- added hair controllers
- added xray function on controllers for teeth and tongue
- added morph control with morph attribute;
     * this scales the body to 0 while the shoulderpads stay the same size, they also lock together in place, the pistons on the shoulderpads stay the same for maximum control.

# Version 1.2:

- fixed skinning issues

# Version 1.1:

- added foot  world-alignment option
- added ik translation alignment option
- fixed mirror movement with arm/gun arm
- remove characterSet as its confusing to people, and trax editor does not seem to be used. 
- overall speed improved slightly

# Version 1.0:

 - first upload of rig.

- license -

All resources included in this package (including but not limited to the 3D model,

geometry, textures, renders, documents, rig, plugins and tools) are licensed to be used for personal educational use only.

Nintendo holds all rights to Samus and the Metroid franchise, therefor this product cannot be sold or used outside of personal projects

- install -

please add the plugin for your Maya version to the correct folder before loading the rig.

in the plugins folder included with this rig you will find folders corresponding to certain maya versions,

locate the folder with the same version as the maya you will be using

for windows: RigSystem.mll

for OSX: RigSystem.bundle

On Windows, the default plug-in location is: drive:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya<version>\bin\plug-ins

On Mac OS X, the default locations are: /Applications/Autodesk/maya<version>/Maya.app/Contents/MacOS/plug-ins and /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/<version>

(Maya checks both of these locations for valid plug-ins.)

before opening the rig in the scene, these plugins need to be loaded

in Maya main menubar go to: windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager

if the plugin is places in the correct folder you can search for RigSystem.mll and it will be listed, if not make sure the plugin is in the correct folder

you can also browse for the plugin using "browse"

the plugin needs to be "Loaded" for it to work, use "Auto load" for the plugin to be automatically loaded next time you start Maya.

now you can open the rig without problem

I want this!

rig + textures and plugins

19.9 MB
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